
Contact and directions


Please contact us if you require any information. We will be happy to help you.

Fondazione Monte Verità
Strada Collina 84
CH-6612 Ascona
Tel. +41 91 785 40 40
Fax +41 91 785 40 50
[email protected]

Identification Number 2202


Administrative Manager

Stefania Gallo
[email protected]


Hospitality Manager

Giuseppe Maruca
[email protected]


Event Manager

Liliana Cantoreggi
[email protected]

Cultural Manager

Nicoletta Mongini
[email protected]

How to reach us

By car

A13 Motorway, exit Ascona
Continue direction Ascona Center, after the roundabout turn right and follow the directions to Monte Verità. 
Free parking spaces.

By public transport - from Locarno railway station

Train until Locarno railway station
Bus Nr. 1 from Locarno railway station to Ascona (linea 1 – Corsia C), stop "Ascona Centro"
Walk till Monte Verità (approximately 25 minutes): head towards the Post Office, continue along "Via del Borgo" to the Boutique Hotel & Ristorante Antica Posta, turn right towards "Scalinata della Ruga". At the end of the steps continue along "Strada Collina" until you reach the entrance of the Fondazione Monte Verità.

By taxi

There are several taxis available at the Locarno railway station. Average price and time: CHF 30.00, 15 minutes.